Orthopedic osteopathy is a form of osteopathy specialized in examining and treating ailments of the musculoskeletal system. The most typical ailments that an osteopath examines and treats are neck and back pain, numbness or pain in the limbs, joint mobility problems, chewing muscle problems, and headaches and dizziness.
The orthopedic osteopath conducts a detailed initial interview with the client, after which various orthopedic, neurological and manual tests are performed to find out the cause of the problem. Treatment may include mobilisation, manipulation or targeted massage and stretching of the vertebrae or joints, as well as home care instructions and advice. If the discovered ailment cannot be treated with the osteopath's methods, the client will be referred for further examinations to other healthcare professionals.
It is a good idea to bring any X-rays or magnetic resonance images and previous statements with you. A 60-minute time is reserved for the first visit.
€80 / reception visit
Payment methods: cash and the most common bank and credit cards.